Change to Admissions Arrangements – September 2025: Consultation
The governors of Cambridge Academy for Science and Technology would like to give notice of proposed changes to the Academy’s Admission Policy which will apply from the 2025-26 academic year and thereafter, subject to any further consultation.
The draft policy for consultation can be viewed on the link below, or a hard copy is available on request from the school at:
Proposed Admission Policy 2025 - 2026.pdf
The main change in this revised Admissions Policy is the increase in PAN for routine admissions in Year 9 and the cessation of routine admissions into Year 10 as a standard point of entry.
This consultation requires a six-week consultation period, in line with the School Admission Code. The consultation period is from Wednesday 6th December 2023 to Wednesday 24th January 2024.
Please send any comments or questions to us at
Who is consulted?
This consultation is for the attention of:
- Parents of pupils at Cambridge Academy for Science and Technology;
- Local Governing Bodies and Head Teachers of schools in the local area;
- Other persons in the area who have an interest in the proposed arrangements;
- The local authority.