
Our aim in Year 9 is to excite students in the scope and range of STEM subjects. We offer a comprehensive KS3 curriculum which covers the main points of the national curriculum. This ensures all our students have both the skills and knowledge to be successful when they transition into KS4 and onto future STEM careers when they graduate from CAST. 

In Year 9, students study nine different subjects:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Computer Science
  • IT
  • Geography
  • PE (statutory – not formally assessed)

In Year 10 and 11, all students take nine GCSE subjects. Seven are core and taken by all students:

  • English Literature
  • English Language
  • Maths
  • Statistics
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics

The school environment and learning system are better than other schools. I like Maths, Biology and Chemistry. I like the teachers, and the like me too.

Sujana, Year 11

Learning English GCSE at CAST is enjoyable, my teacher is inspirational.

Jura, Year 11

Students also take two option subjects from Computer Science, IT, Health and Social Care (HSC), Geography, Psychology and Design, Engineer Construct (DEC).

In addition, students take PE lessons and spend most of one day in ‘Challenge’ lessons.

To find out more about our curriculum, please Contact Us

Wider Curriculum

The Wider Curriculum at CAST encompasses PSHE (personal, social, health and economic education) and and SMSC (social, moral, spiritual and cultural education). 

Schools and colleges have a number of functions, one of the most important of which is ensuring that students are able to look after themselves and ready to take an active part in society (be that at a local, national or global level) when they leave. The world is a very exciting place with vast numbers of opportunities. Each one of us will find our own way through life; we will each be excited, interested, upset or appalled by different things. For some of us personal things may be most important to us, for others it may be working with others, or even causing change at an international level that satisfies us. 

Whatever our own personal motivators we all need to have access to basic information; we need to know how to do certain things or access help when we need it. We also need to be aware of what is important to other people so that we can understand their views and when necessary, engage in meaningful discussion, be that with or own friends and family, or wider afield. 

The Wider Curriculum is delivered both by our own staff and by external experts through a series of Wider Curriculum Days (six in Years 9 and 10; and 4 in Year 11). The course covers relationships and sex education, personal safety, decision making, personal finance, health, politics, religion and getting help. Student learning is assessed at the end of each year. In addition to the Wider Curriculum Days, students also cover some of these areas in assemblies, in tutor time, Challenge or lessons. In addition to the taught lessons students also have access to a Teams group which signposts them to further help and support in all the topics covered. Pastoral support within the College also provides more personalised help and support if required.